Gas Bottle Sizes – Gas Bottle Dimensions

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Gas Bottle Sizes – Gas Bottle Dimensions

The standard size for homes is the 45kg gas bottle and they can be used for home LPG gas bottle exchange and automatic LPG gas home delivery.

The most common gas bottle sizes for business are the 45kg gas bottle and the 210kg gas bottle.

Gas Bottle Sizes – Dimensions – Capacity

Gas Bottle Sizes Width (mm) Height (mm) Capacity (L)
4kg (3.7) Gas Bottle 340 265 7
9kg (8.5kg) Gas Bottle 460 310 17
15kg Gas Bottle 305 705 29
18kg Gas Bottle 310 830 35
45kg Gas Bottle 375 1250 88
210kg Gas Bottle 760 1350 411

LPG gas bottle dimensions and weights shown are approximate. Actual dimensions may vary. Gas cylinder sizes vary by manufacturer.

45kg Gas Bottle

45kg gas bottle dimensions

45kg gas bottle – also called 45kg gas cylinder – is the standard size gas bottles for homes and are the size used for home gas bottle exchange.

Two 45kg gas bottles are used for the typical installation.

That way when one runs out you can switch to the other bottle whilst you reorder one bottle.

45kg gas bottle dimensions include a height of 1250mm, a width of 375mm and a capacity of 88 litres (approximate)

210kg Gas Bottle

210kg LPG gas cylinder sizes / gas bottle sizes210kg gas bottle sizes are provided for higher volume commercial use.

This size is very popular for commercial users.

Larger storage vessels are also available, when needed

Filling is via our Automatic Tanker Delivery Service

210kg gas bottle dimensions include a height of 1450mm, a width of 760mm in and a capacity of 411L (approximate)